I am Lorenzo Miguel an actor and writer whose passion is rooted in performance. I perform because of my grandmother, who came to this country as an immigrant; I perform because of the little boy I once was, who had dreams of changing the world. My work as an artist today is rooted in revealing the monstrosities of the world, even those hiding in plain sight. Most people can feel when something is wrong even if it's not happening to them, but even then, do they speak out? Most people won’t due to their fear being chastised for speaking out (i.e Colin Kaepernick) . This is why the work we do within the theatre is so important. Audiences in the theatre are safe to feel the pain of the characters we portray. As a collective, audiences go through a range of emotions based upon past experiences combined with their present moment witnessing a production, together. Ultimately through my work, I will spark change in audiences that compels them to leave the theatre and donate to their favorite cause, or join a grassroots project, or even get out and protest racial injustices.

When I first became an actor it was simply to make people laugh or smile, something I always took pride in. As I entered college and started studying the craft full time I learned more about human condition and myself as a whole. I studied the works of August Wilson and was deeply moved by the depth of not only his characters but the stories themselves. Levi’s monologue in Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom where he speaks about the rape of his mother changed me, upon reading it and then seeing it performed I was furious, hurt, confused, and at a point helpless. That moment as I sat in that theatre I knew I had a responsibility, not only to myself but to the world, to bring works like this to life, so that I may spark that change in someone that was sparked in me.

"All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up." - James Baldwin. This quote defines the pride I take in my art and as an artist in general. In my works as a theatre artist, I have been reluctant to share myself wholly in performance through this quote I have learned that vulnerability is my greatest asset as an artist and it is my duty to my community to commit to telling the full story. Throughout my journey as an artist, I have sought guidance through many resources (books, mentors, videos, articles, etc.) as I explored what I think it means to make art. That journey led me to the conclusion that artists have a responsibility to society to reveal themselves wholly and vulnerably, which sheds light on injustices that have plagued our communities. My life was given to me to be of service to others; I was put here to change the world. What distinguishes me as an artist is my commitment to uplift and reflect my community through the stories that I tell. With every emotion I convey, you will feel my mother, who was forced to raise two children on her own, with every word I speak you will feel my grandfather, who was arrested for protesting and literally risking his life as he fought for equality. With every action I take, you will see the immense joy I experience living truthfully on stage. The stakes are high for me, because I know as an artist people will look to me to be a beacon of light through the fog; I will be the sun when the days get cold and dark.

Success in my field is measured by the lives you touch with your work. I feel successful already, because of a friend who recently told me I inspired him to chase his artistic dreams. Having an audience member seek you out to tell you how your character reminded them of their deceased spouse and they start to weep over your comforting words shows that your work touched them. The child who sees you on stage looking just like him with bronze colored skin and wants to be where you are is touched by your work. Moments like these are measures of success to me. And success is not limited to the moments lived on stage; to hold a class and have every student be engaged and PLAYING is success to me.

Ultimately what we all strive for in life is freedom, through finances, knowledge, spiritually, etc. I want to use the skills I have as a theatre artist to help my community achieve freedom through the stories I tell. I have goals to change the world for the better through art activism; to inspire the next generation to create the America that my grandfather always dreamed of.

Though my passion for theatre thrived through performance I knew that I could not and should not limit myself. Growing up as an actor, I felt a certain disdain for the idea of theatre being just a night of entertainment for wealthy benefactors, who seem unable to connect experiences in the theatre with the pain and suffering of real people’s everyday life. Wanting to help audiences make human connections that depart from sheltered experiences inspired me to write, which is something I've always done for myself, but have been afraid to share at the same time. I sought to create work that could inspire people to change, and I felt a responsibility as an artist to empower audiences with the knowledge and fire to do the work themselves to make the world a better place. Being black in America has always been treacherous; even to this day, as we have to beg to be seen as human beings and not wild, uncontrollable animals. Furthermore, Even to the stories of black life that are told, it seems that we can to only include be seen when we have experienced of great trauma. As I grow and move further in my career, I will use the platform I create for myself and others to tell stories that aren't deeply rooted only in the trauma of the aftermath of racism. I will write the play or movie that will inspires the young people man or woman that looks like me to follow their dreams no matter what and, to never lose their imagination . I will play the character that shows every child that it doesn't matter where you come from, but where you' are going. Through my very existence, dedication and perseverance, I will demonstrate That you don’t have to compromise who you are to be able to succeed or thrive in the spaces you've always wanted to be, which for me is onstage. Most importantly, though, I will prove that if you believe in yourself and who you are that, ultimately, you can change the world.